You’re a Developer. Your Voice Matters.

I hosted my first-ever Twitter Space for the tech community and this is how it went.

You’re a Developer. Your Voice Matters.

Why I love Twitter Spaces

I love Twitter Spaces because it gives people a chance to use their voice to share their story.

I remember the first time I hopped on a Twitter Space and I was so nervous. I joined Deni's space and he just randomly encouraged me to speak. I don't even really remember what I said other than "thank you" but because of him, I gained the confidence to host my own Twitter Space called Timeout Tuesday.

Focus of Timeout Tuesday

Timeout Tuesday is a space for devs to take a "timeout" from their Tuesday, and be present with the tech community on Twitter for just 30 minutes. We talk about various kinds of topics (i.e. career advice, how to code, self-care, etc.) and share stories to learn from each other and build one another up.

Last week's topic was about "motivation" and I shared with the group four ways that have helped me stay motivated:

  1. I think about my goal.
  2. I break down my goal into smaller goals.
  3. I listen to my body when I hit my lows.
  4. I use my timeline as a guide.

1. I think about my goal.

Besides my obvious long-term goal (to become a web developer in EdTech), my main goal in life is to simply help people and encourage others to do the same. My dad would always remind me, "Soar with the eagles." I purposely surround myself with goal-driven professionals and devs, and we hold each other accountable to aim high!

During our space, so many folks from various backgrounds shared their goals. One said it was to “provide for their family”. Another said, “to become financially independent and give more to others.” Be with people who will remind you of your goal.

2. I break down my goal into smaller goals.

"Don't bite off more than you can chew." Knowing that I can get easily overwhelmed, I always break things down into more "realistic" expectations. For example, I couldn't learn some JS concepts within a few days so I give myself time to practice and allowed the complicated concepts sink in.

People shared that we all learn differently! One individual said, “you have to know what works for you.” And I couldn’t agree more.

3. I listen to my body when I hit my lows.

Studying and working full-time last year took such a toll on my health, I didn't code for 3 months straight. I didn't take any breaks, didn't set any kind of boundaries, and I would code for hours late at night. The burnout I felt was so real, I took a 3-month break. Now, I intentionally keep my laptop closed the entire weekend and instead read my books, longboard, and paint pottery with my partner.

I know of so many devs that are balancing the family/parenting life, and if this you, please take care of your mental health! It’s important to rest, reset your mind, and take a break from both the family-demands and hustle-mindset. Listen to what your body needs.

4. I use my timeline as a guide

I know of a few devs who give themselves a timeline to get that dream job or nail that particular coding concept. I tried that, and it didn’t motivate me. It actually stressed me out more than it pushed me. Instead, I take timelines as a guide; I don’t strictly follow it. We all learn at different paces!

Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t understand JavaScript as quickly as the other devs. Don’t beat yourself up if you didn’t get that dream job you prepped for. Don’t beat yourself up if you changed your career multiple times. Don’t beat yourself up if you need to take a break from coding, the job hunt, networking, social media, family, friends, etc.

Concluding thoughts

I host Timeout Tuesday, for devs to come together and remind each other that they are not alone. Use your voice to share your story. You never know how much of an encouragement you can be for the people around you!


Thanks for reading my friend!

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Follow me on Twitter and join my next Timeout Tuesday: